First all, thank you Alyssa Cole for giving me something I didn't even know I needed - a Black princess story. I've grown up reading and watching stories about princes from made-up European countries finding their princesses (who are blond more often than not) among the commoners. It's a classic trope and I love it. For the first time, I got a story about a Black prince from a fictional African country finding his princess. It was amazing and strangely I felt validated even though the story is obviously fictional.
What exactly did I love? First, the characters, especially Naledi. She is a fully fleshed out character who was believable as a real person. I always like when romance heroines have more going on in their lives besides looking for a boyfriend or girlfriend. Naledi has plenty going on. She's a former foster kid with attachment issues. She's a poor graduate student juggling her studies with a lab assistant job and a server job so she can afford to pay rent on her studio apartment. She's a Black woman in science who has to deal with a White male boss who mistakes her for the maid, mansplains scientific concepts to her that she already knows, and who gives her grunt work while giving her male colleague the opportunity to do actual science. She keeps two mice as pets and has best friend named Portia who can be sweet but who can also fail to understand how hard Ledi's life can be at times
While not as captivating as Ledi (but really who could be), I also loved Prince Thabiso. He is the typical prince in a romance story. That is, he has grown up knowing that one day we will responsible for the kingdom. Though he cares about his people and genuinely wants to do the best he can for them, he is also a man who has grown up with people serving his nearly every need. He is not used to be told no or having people truly question him.
The only thing I would have changed about this book, what I wanted more of, was the kingdom of Thesolo. Ledi eventually travels to Thesolo to learn more about the country where she is born. We get glimpses of the culture but not enough. I wanted to know more about the different regions of the country. (There is a mountainous region but what else?) I wanted to know more the religion which seems to be female based. (They pray to a goddess). The country has innovative technology in some parts (heated sidewalks that melt the snow which is then recycled) but in other parts the characters had to travel by donkey. I have so many questions. Most of the story takes place in New York but despite its name, New York isn't new. Tell me more about Thesolo.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if this were turned into a movie? Movie gods, please make this happen ASAP!