Thursday, May 1, 2014

Bookish Events and Other Bookish Goodness

Free Comic Book Day

Saturday, May 3rd is Free Comic Book Day!  Participating Comic Book Stores around North America will be giving away free comics.  There will be comics for kids, comics for adults, and comics for everyone in between.  It is a great way to get introduced to comics.  It is also a wonderful way to get young reluctant readers interested in reading.  You can find more information about this event, including a list of the comics and participating stores near you, here.

Levar Burton thinks Free Comic Book Day is pretty great too:

Here is an even better video from the Reading Rainbow pioneer.

California Bookstore Day

This Saturday is also California Bookstore Day.  Celebrate at your local independent bookstore with readings, prizes, and other treats.  I have never participated in an event like this before and don't know what to expect but any event that celebrates bookstores sounds good to me!  Look here for information including a list of participating bookstores near you.

The Underground New York Public Library

I just think the Underground New York Public Library is cool.  It is a collection of photos of people reading on the subway.  I used to live in New York and remember getting quite a bit of reading done during my commute to and from work.  I miss living in a city with a truly massive transit system that could you most places in the city limits and that enabled me to read while doing it.  Plus seeing people read makes me happy.  So does seeing people running when I'm running.  Whenever I see people doing either (not at the same time, that would be dangerous as is walking and reading which I see people do all the time) I just think how great it is people are doing something to keep their minds and bodies as strong and healthy as possible.

Happy Reading!

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