Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy Reading in 2014!

Finally, it is 2014!  I have been waiting for the new year to start so I could get started on my reading challenges for this year.  I expect good things in 2014, reading and otherwise.  I am also glad and grateful to continue writing this blog.  It began in 2012 as a challenge to myself to learn about blogging and writing book reviews.  It has been challenging and loads of fun.  There is still a lot I have to learn about blogging and hopefully I'll learn a few of those lessons in the coming year and will be able to make the Passport Books blog even better.

In addition to blogging, I hope to write more generally.  For the last two years I have participated in National Novel Writing Month.  I wrote over 50,000 words in November 2012 and again in November 2013.  Now it is time for editing.  With some luck, this year I'll get around to editing at least one of the novels.  Who knows, maybe I'll post a few excerpts on this blog.  I would also like to include posts on other pop culture and/or lifestyle issues (like exercise as I try to train for a half-marathon), or maybe posts about the culture and business of books more generally (as opposed to just book reviews).  There are so many possibilities to consider.   While those possibilities take time to form, I'll get started on my reading goals.

Happy New Year and Happy Reading

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