I am fairly new to comics/graphic novels, only having started to read them regularly when DC Comics started its New 52 campaign. With a few exceptions, I have mostly read superhero comics. Sex Criminals is a refreshing change. It is so funny, sweet, and well, just brilliant. Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky pack a lot into this graphic novel: adolescents discovering their sexuality, not having anyone anyone to talk to about it, stumbling along and then meeting someone with whom everything just sort of clicks together. I loved it and am looking forward to the next set of issues.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Sex Criminals: One Weird Trick by Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky
I am fairly new to comics/graphic novels, only having started to read them regularly when DC Comics started its New 52 campaign. With a few exceptions, I have mostly read superhero comics. Sex Criminals is a refreshing change. It is so funny, sweet, and well, just brilliant. Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky pack a lot into this graphic novel: adolescents discovering their sexuality, not having anyone anyone to talk to about it, stumbling along and then meeting someone with whom everything just sort of clicks together. I loved it and am looking forward to the next set of issues.
Monday, May 26, 2014
Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood
Snowman (formerly known as Jimmy) tells the story in a non-linear format. Stories of his childhood, his best (and only) friend Crake, and his life in a bubble (or compound) are intermixed with his life as Snowman among the Children of Crake after much of the world’s population has been decimated by a man made plague. Snowman/Jimmy is sort of an everyman trying to survive after a disaster. He has no special skills other than an ability to write snappy advertising slogans. Yet somehow he has become the defacto leader of the Children of Crake, a sort of re-engineered species of humans.
For the first two-thirds of the book I had a hard time figuring out what this book was about. I read and reread the blurb on the back cover to remind myself. That turned out to be little help because as noted earlier, this is not really a love story. The story was interesting enough to keep me reading but there were chunks where I couldn’t help but wonder what the end goal was. I mean in a mystery the goal is to figure out who did it. In a romance the goal is for the two people to finally realize they are meant for one another. In a fantasy novel there is usually some sort of quest. Even in an ordinary non-genre fiction story there’s a “I was going about my day as normal and then this extraordinary thing happened and here’s how it changed me” storyline. Here there wasn’t any of that, not exactly. Even though a catastrophe has occurred Snowman is not trying to do anything in particular except get through the day and night. It does come together in the end, but not until the last hundred pages or so. Maybe I am too goal oriented but if someone asked me what this was about I am not sure I could answer in a coherent way.
This isn’t to say I didn’t like Oryx and Crake. I did but it was also really easy to put down and walk away, at least until the end where the story starts to come together. Thinking about it some more, I might describe it as a thought experiment or long form hypothetical posed in novel format. It definitely makes one think.
This is the first in a trilogy. The next two books are The Year of the Flood and MaddAddam. Even though I'm still not quite sure what the story is about I am looking forward to seeing what happens next.
Friday, May 16, 2014
Loaded by Christos Tsiolkas

I liked this. It was
short and I wanted more, wanted there to be some sort of resolution. Then again, the lack of a definitive resolution
is probably a more truthful ending.
Tsiolkas is also the author of The Slap and Barracuda which I hope to
read in the not too distant future.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Werewolf Sings the Blues by Jennifer Harlow
One reason why I had trouble connecting to this story was the main character, Vivian. I don’t believe one has to necessarily like a character to like the story. (Gone Girl is an example where the main characters are totally unlikeable yet the story is totally compelling). Still, if the characters don’t grab the reader, then there has to be something else to pull the reader in (again see Gone Girl). Here, Vivian quickly grew tiresome and there wasn’t much else to grab my attention, which is probably why it took me so long to read this fairly short book.
Vivian wasn’t all bad but her bad girl antics started to feel like listening to a broken record after awhile. The excuse for her behavior is her sad childhood. Her father abandoned her and her mother when she was a baby (or so she was told) and her mother and stepfather all but ignored her, especially after her sister Jessie was born. Vivian was literally the redheaded stepchild. Like unhappy children do, Vivian rebelled, with drugs, alcohol, and minor skirmishes with the law, which of course only made her relationship with her mother and stepfather worse. As an adult, Vivian is still struggling. Her thirtieth birthday days way, Vivian gets some startling news: Werewolves exist. Her father Frank is not only a werewolf, but the pack leader. The werewolves are at war, and she, as the daughter of the pack leader, is in danger. Enter handsome, muscular, blond guy, otherwise known as Jason, to the rescue. Jason has his own daddy issues, and frankly they are much more serious than Vivian’s issues. Yet, Jason is a fairly decent guy. Vivian, in contrast and to use Jason’s words, is a wrecking ball. She recognizes that her behavior is destructive but does it anyway. I get it, she has low self-esteem. I sympathize but her destructive behavior and general negativity got old pretty quickly.
I might have gotten past Vivian if there was an actual mystery here, this is part of the Midnight Magic Mystery series after all, but there isn't one. Jason immediately explains the reason why Vivian is in danger. Most of the book is about how (not if, because this is that kind of book) Jason and Vivian will make it to safety and how long it will take them till they realize they are in love with each other and they live happily ever after. There is a question of who the traitor inside Frank’s pack is but even that isn't much of a mystery (let's just say it's the mean guy), and anyway this question doesn't really surface till late in the book and no one spends all that much time trying to figure it out. If there had been a more of a mystery I think I would have liked this more. Overall, this was okay but I would recommend What’s a Witch do Do? over this.
Friday, May 9, 2014
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Fahrenheit 451 takes place in a society where houses are fireproof
(unlike the “stick houses” of today) and the job of the fire department is to
start fires not stop them. Specifically
the job of the fire department is to burn books. I’m not sure entirely why. There was something about preventing inequality
and unhappiness but that seems like a cop out on so many levels. Even if Bradbury was trying to play devil’s advocate
nothing about that argument makes sense.
I wish I had read Fahrenheit 451 in a high school English
class, perhaps then I would have gotten more out of it. Instead I was rather disappointed and if
truth be told, a little annoyed. The
disappointment stemmed from the writing.
It is set in an alternate reality, but that reality wasn’t adequately
described. This reminded me a little bit
of Matched which takes place in a society where literature, music, and other
forms of art have been distilled town to the 100 best representatives of each
and the rest has been destroyed. I’m not
saying Matched is a great piece of literature but it had better world building
and a better explanation for why and how that society was organized the way it
was than Fahrenheit 451 did.
My annoyance mostly had to do with a passage where one of
the characters is describing how there used to be books and how those books had
to be made less offensive as so not to offend “minorities”. This really annoyed me. It reminded me of when people make racist/homophobic/whatever remarks and then complain that their First Amendment
Rights are being violated when other criticize them for it. The First Amendment does not make one immune
from criticism. It simply means the
government cannot prevent speech or punish speech (with a few limited
exceptions). Other people have just as
much right to say what they want, including criticizing the first speaker. If this book is meant to be an
allegory about censorship then it seems to undermine itself with passage like
the one just described.
Thursday, May 8, 2014
The Art Forger by B. A. Shapiro
Claire became a copy artist work after a scandal involving
her, her former mentor/boyfriend, and a painting left her a pariah in the art
world. Struggling professionally,
personally, and financially Claire can’t turn away when Aiden Markel, a
powerful gallery owner, offers Claire a way back into the art world with her own
show. All she will have to do is make
one more copy, a credible copy of Degas’ fifth After the Bath. To do this she needs to be able to examine the
original up close, so Markel has the Degas painting delivered to Claire’s
studio where she will create the copy.
The problem is After the Bath was one of the paintings stolen from the Isabella
Stewart Gardner Museum in the still unsolved 1990 art heist. None of the stolen paintings has ever been
recovered or seen since 1990 so how did Markel come to possess it? As she works an even bigger question begins
to surface, as Claire begins to wonder if Markel’s original is itself a copy. But if Markel’s original is really a copy, where
is the actual original?
This was so good! I’m not even sure why but I couldn’t put
this book down, staying up late, getting up early, desperately needing to know
what happened next. B.A. Shapiro seamlessly
weaves three time lines together – Claire in the present, Claire’s scandal
three years earlier, and Isabella Stewart Gardener’s 19th century correspondence
about her friendship with Degas. Claire
is ambitious and that ambition leads her to rationalize one bad decision after
another in the present and the past. Aside from Claire’s personal and professional moral drama, what really pulled me in was the mystery surrounding the 1990 art heist.
Though the book is fiction (as is Degas’ fifth After the Bath), the 1990
theft from the Gardener Museum did actually happen.
The crime still has not been solved and the paintings and sketches that
were stolen have never been recovered. There
have been many theories about who was behind the theft and where the artwork is
now. In The Art Forger Shapiro offers
her version of what happened to at least one of the paintings. The enjoyment I got from this was highly
unexpected and very much appreciated.
Monday, May 5, 2014
What's a Witch to Do? by Jennifer Harlow
When Adam, a werewolf from her past, comes crashing into Mona's life with the news that someone in her coven is trying to kill her, Mona channels her inner Miss Marple and tries to identify her potential murderer. She figures it must be one of the women who would be eligible to succeed her as the high priestess in the event of her death. Luckily she doesn't have to solve the mystery alone as Adam decides to stick around and be her bodyguard.
What's a Witch to Do? is a cozy mystery-paranormal-romance centered around a witch and a werewolf, with a vampire and a demon thrown in for good (or not so good) measure. It was a little predictable with obvious misdirects on both the romantic and mystery story fronts and I solved the mystery of the potential murderer long before Mona did. Still I enjoyed the ride. I recently listened to a podcast where one of topics was literary palate cleansers to be read in between heavier books. This is perfect for that. The romance was sweet. The mystery, well there wasn't much of a mystery, but that's okay. It was quirky and quick in just the right way.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Bookish Events and Other Bookish Goodness
Free Comic Book Day
Saturday, May 3rd is Free Comic Book Day! Participating Comic Book Stores around North America will be giving away free comics. There will be comics for kids, comics for adults, and comics for everyone in between. It is a great way to get introduced to comics. It is also a wonderful way to get young reluctant readers interested in reading. You can find more information about this event, including a list of the comics and participating stores near you, here.Levar Burton thinks Free Comic Book Day is pretty great too:
Here is an even better video from the Reading Rainbow pioneer.

California Bookstore Day
This Saturday is also California Bookstore Day. Celebrate at your local independent bookstore with readings, prizes, and other treats. I have never participated in an event like this before and don't know what to expect but any event that celebrates bookstores sounds good to me! Look here for information including a list of participating bookstores near you.The Underground New York Public Library
I just think the Underground New York Public Library is cool. It is a collection of photos of people reading on the subway. I used to live in New York and remember getting quite a bit of reading done during my commute to and from work. I miss living in a city with a truly massive transit system that could you most places in the city limits and that enabled me to read while doing it. Plus seeing people read makes me happy. So does seeing people running when I'm running. Whenever I see people doing either (not at the same time, that would be dangerous as is walking and reading which I see people do all the time) I just think how great it is people are doing something to keep their minds and bodies as strong and healthy as possible.Happy Reading!
Odds On by Michael Crichton writing as John Lange
Odds On was published by Hard Case Crime, an imprint that specializes in publishing new and republishing old hard-boiled crime fiction. I have always loved old-fashioned dimestore novels. In fact I kind of prefer romance novels and certain mystery and crime novels in mass market paperback size and will go out of my way to get them in that format. It just feels right. Hard Case Crime has done a great job recreating the look and feel of those old-fashioned novels. This is most notably demonstrated in the cover art. In keeping with the old-fashioned dimestore novels from the 40s, 50s, and 60s each novel has a lurid cover, usually involving a woman in a provocative pose. The artwork is pretty amazing and is yet another reason why I prefer physical books, or tree books, to ebooks.
As for this specific tree book, it was okay. it started off slow and sped up toward the end. At first this reminded me of Oceans 11. There is a crazy scheme with a bunch of moving parts, so many characters I had trouble keeping them straight, set against a wealthy backdrop. Ultimately this was not as fun as Oceans 11 but then Oceans 11 might not be as much to read as it was to watch.
Check out Hard Case Crime to learn about other novels in the series and see some of the great artwork.
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